6 Ways to Promote Your New Website for Free

6 Ways to Promote Your New Website for Free

Hello friends, welcome to our blog.

Friends you have created a website to start your online journey. Yes, building a website is the beginning of your online journey. It takes a lot of efforts and investment to build and start a website. But all these efforts and investment will go to the wastage if your website doesn't get visitors. Your earning from the website totally depends upon the website traffic you get. So it's becomes very essential to promote your blog to get traffic.

There are many ways to promote your blog. Some of the ways are free while some required money to be spent. But don't worry there are numbers of ways through which you can promote your blog and website for free.

How to promote your blog

In this article, I am going to share with you 6 ways that will bring traffics to your website without spending money. So let's started.

1. SEO

SEO, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is hands down one of the most powerful ways to rank your website higher on Google and other search engines. SEO is based on four things – setting the right keywords, improving and maintaining the quality of content, ease of navigation and the number of external links you receive. SEO is not a one-shot winner but rather needs a lot of time and effort. A clear strategy has to be built and search engine policy changes need to be accounted for. If you’re using WordPress, you can install a plugin called ‘SEO Yoast’ that will enable you to make your website search engine friendly. For all other websites, we recommend checking out the tool SEMrush. This is the best SEO and SEM marketing tool. SEMrush is trusted by websites like Quora.

2. Start a Blog

One of the key strategies in SEO is to write and post regular content on your website. A blog makes for a great platform for you to talk about your product. You can share content that can add value to your audiences and establish you as an expert in your field. A blog can also be a great engagement platform, where you can address your customer’s questions or learn more about what they really want. More importantly, good content is always shared and will end up getting you more and more visitors for free.

3. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is writing or inviting other bloggers to write content on each other blog. So invite guest bloggers to write for your blog. This strategy is very popular and mutually benefits both parties. This helps in growing your network as well as traffic. It’s a win-win situation for all. The main advantage here is that you or your business gets exposed to new audiences and you will earn backlinks which will is great for SEO.

4. Social Media

Social media is one of the most and best effective ways of getting traffic to your blog and websites. Even I got a huge traffics from Facebook.

You should make a huge community and groups on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and others. More community members mean greater chances of more traffic.

So once you have a community, share relevant content in your community. This will help you in getting more traffics 100%.

5. Forums

Forum website like Quora, Reddit, is a questions and answers based forum that is user-friendly and user-generated. Forums are a great platform to ask questions and write answers within your niche. This helps in establishing website authority and also generate traffic for your websites.

So visit Quora, ask question-related to your website and answers questions related to your website. This will help you in getting relevant and most important your website will get targeted traffic. This will increases conversion and earnings will increase.
I generate a lot of traffic from Quora. This will works for you too.

6. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the best sources to increases your website earnings. Email marketing means you send your best content in the Gmail box of your subscribers. Believe me, Email marketing is the best to gain and retain subscribers and customers.

Once your subscriber becomes loyal, both website traffic and earning will increases at a great rate. So use email marketing as the ways to promote your website to get traffic.

There are tons of other ways to promote your website besides the ones mentioned above.

What are your thoughts? Have you tried the above-discussed strategies? Is there anything else that worked wonders for you? Let’s talk in the comments section below.


  1. Hey, gratitude for sharing these new methods for business growth. We are living in the scenario where the competition among the businesses is very complicated. Every new business wants to get fast business leads and sales and I think that paid social media as well as Google Adwords Management platforms are best for them.

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